These are the boards I drew for a 2D animated video.  I designed, wrote and then produced it for the Virginia Historical Society.  It was about forcing the southern men to join and fight the north; the term for that is "conscription".
Here is a clip reel from the project.  I designed all the games, and then had a months-long intense collaboration with the great animator, Ramiro Olmos, who took my watercolors and audio tracks and turned it into 2D animation.   
These boards show the 3 phases; pencil, then black and white wash, then color, and finally the transition to vector-based 2D characters, backgrounds and VFX for light flicker, candle light, fireplace flames.
This board below was about finding the best way to make this scene work, with the mother seeing her son in the reflection of the window.  This mother is afraid her young son will be CONSCRIPTED, and made to fight in the war.  She's crying, but to herself.  